Arm Balance Challenge Day #1: Crow Pose (22min)

Welcome to your 7-Day Arm Balance Challenge!

You will have 7 classes to complete for this challenge. For the ultimate challenge, complete one class per day.

We’ll be trying one new arm balance each day for 7 days!

Here is our schedule:

Day 1: Crow Pose
Day 2: Baby Grasshopper
Day 3: Forearm Stand
Day 4: Side Crow
Day 5: Eight-Angle Pose
Day 6: Flying Splits (Eka Pada Kudinyasa)
Day 7: Intro to Handstand

So now you know what you’ll be doing, here are a few things to remember throughout this challenge:

REST: You can rest at any time you need throughout the classes. You may not be able to complete all the arm balances the first time around and that’s all good – it is meant to be challenging, just give what you can a go. Remember you can always revisit this challenge and do it a second or third time to really master it.

BREATHE: Don’t hold your breath! If something is challenging and you start to hold your breath, ease off or take a break so you can return to a steady breath.

Let me know how you go and ask me any questions you have in the comments below!

Let’s do this!!

Zahra xx

Click the button below to take you to the music playlist for this class