Yoga for Strength Challenge - Day #5

Hey Yogi,

Welcome to Day #5 of your Yoga for Strength Challenge!

The theme for Day 5 is: Arms!
In this class, we'll be working the shoulders (deltoids) and arms (triceps) as well as playing with arm balancing.

Quick tip: When bearing weight in your hands in positions like high plank or crow pose, its important to not only to use bone stacking, but to make sure your whole hand is in contact with the ground so all of your knuckles are connected with the yoga mat. You want to actively press your hands down into the earth so imagine you are pushing the floor away from you.

This action will protect your wrists, strenghten your shoulders and be so so helpful if you want to move towards more challenging arm balances like handstands. Give it a go throughout this class!

Okay, let’s do this!

Click the button below to take you to the music playlist for this class